We're back!
The Lingfield College Parents' Association is back. For obvious reasons we have been a bit quiet over the past couple of years which has given us time to reflect and reinvigorate our activities and purpose. Everyone has their own experiences of covid and, for some, this will have been an incredible difficult time. However, aside from the challenges and negativity I would like to think that one of the positive legacies is the reminder that we need each other. When we're immersed in our busy day-to-day lives it is often easy to forget that. But I am sure, like me, when we were restricted from seeing each other I actually really missed the 'hello' at the school gate, the joy that you feel when a friend catches up with you, the giggles you have with the other parents as you negotiate the bags that are thrust at you at pick-up, and the eye-rolling we all share as our children ask 'what's for dinner' before they say hello. Simple pleasures that don't take much time, or effort, but can fuel us for the day and help keep our step light.

This, we hope, is what will motivate more of the school families to get involved with and support the LCPA. Helping out at a school disco isn't just about 'doing your bit'. It's the chance to see the joy in the sweaty faces of the children that are happy just to immerse themselves in the pleasure of the moment. A bake sale is one step closer to the fundraising target and a purchase of a House T-Shirt is showing that you are proud to be part of the Lingfield College community.
We will be posting regular updates about events and fundraising activities and hope you enjoy the website and find the time to come and get involved.
After all, small acts, when multiplied, really can change the world.